Hasil Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan di Storania.com

Hasil Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Storania.com Juni 2016


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“The worst people to serve are the Poor people. Give them free, they think it’s a trap. Tell them it’s a small investment, they’ll say can’t earn much. Tell them to come in big, they’ll say no money. Tell them try new things, they’ll say no experience. Tell them it’s traditional business, they’ll say hard to do. Tell them it’s a new business model, they’ll say it’s MLM. Tell them to run a shop, they’ll say no freedom. Tell them run new business, they’ll say no expertise. They do have somethings in common: They love to ask google, listen to friends who are as hopeless as them, they think more than an university professor and do less than a blind man.

Just ask them, what can they do. They won’t be able to answer you. My conclusion: Instead of your heart beats faster, why not you just act faster a bit; instead of just thinking about it, why not do something about it. Poor people fail because on one common behaviour: Their Whole Life is About Waiting.” — Jack Ma

Storania.com melakukan survei kepuasan pelanggan untuk mengukur kesuksesan tim kami. Kami tidak peduli apa pendapat Anda, silahkan terus menunggu yang lebih baik jika memang Anda mengkehendaki demikian, toh memang selama ini Anda selalu saja kerjanya hanya menunggu bukan?

Hubungi kami jika Anda tidak mau menunggu lagi dan ingin segera bertindak.

Hasil Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Desain, Fitur, dan Kualitas Storania.com Juni 2016

Hasil Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Tim Teknis Storania Juni 2016

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